Yep, it is that time of year again. When I was a little child I always remembered that when the corn was getting high, that meant time for school to start again. So yep, it is high again and yet another school year is beginning. Summer is going by very fast. Before you know it I will be shoveling snow in -20 below weather again everyday. I love Wisconsin sometimes, but I sure wish summer would hang on a little longer.
With school starting that means that the Lomira Pool is also closing. It has only been open for 2 months, but we sure took advantage of it. Emili will be starting 2nd grade soon and is excited as I guess you can expect her to be for having to get back to the grind. Tomorrow is her last official trip with the summer program at her daycare and I think she is all field tripped out. She asked me if I could ask her teacher if she could stay back and just watch a movie or hang out....somebody has had a little too much summer.
This past week was fun. Emili got her annual eye exam and physical. She is in the 100 percentile for weight as well as height. The Dr. stated that she is in good health, and she is just a big girl. Considering that she is wearing a size 8 womens shoe and she is only 8 years old, ya I would say she is growing like a weed.
This past weekend was fun too. On Friday night we went out to eat at a Mexican Restaurant in Fondulac just us girls, Grandma, Auntie, Emili and I..just us girls......oh I guess it wasn't just girls... I forgot that Emili's little brother was along for the trip as well. It was a good time.
On Saturday, Emili went over to my Aunt Mary's house and spent the night there while I met up with my girlfriends in Milwaukee. We went to Mexican fiesta.. it was a fun time. Lots of great music and food. It was really good to see my girlfriends again, since it had been a while since we had all gotten together. It had been almost a year and in that time my 2 friends have had baby boys, who I didn't get pics of unfortunately.
Yesterday, Sunday, Emili and my cousin Nanna were dropped off at my place and we hung out for the day. Auntie Megan took them to the Lomira Pool for one last swim of the summer and I stayed back and recuperated from Mexican Fiesta. After that we went to a restaurant called the Mineshaft in Hartford, WI and had supper. Then it was off to the game room there where Nanna and Emili had a good time playing lots of games. Today it is back to the grind and letting Emili enjoy her last bit of freedom as the corn grows taller daily!! Damn Corn!