Tuesday, September 30, 2008

no Me QuEdA de OtRo~ HaY qUe EcharLe GaNaS veRdad?

Pues hace mucho tiempo que no he escrito nada. No se que pasa, ultimadamente me ha dado "flojertis". Quizas es mi embarazo, quizas es por trabajar tanto...quien sabe. No he querido escribir nada. Entonces hay que echarle ganas en lo que hago verdad? Solamente vivimos una sola vida y hay que aprovecharla. Este fin de sem pasada me la pase a todo dar. Mi hermana se fue a la Florida de vacaciones para dos semanas, asi que tenia que aprovechar el fin de semana para mi y Emili. Solamente me quede aqui limpiando y Emili se la paso jugando con sus amiguillas en vecindario. Estoy tratando de elistar cosas para el bebe porque solamente me faltan 3 meses hasta que me alivie. No puedo creer que solamente me faltan 3 meses. Ya me siento super panzona y quizas por eso es que tengo flojeritis. Quizas estoy preperando para el invierno tambien. Ni quiero pensar en remover la nieve y el frillazo que se va hacer. El ano pasado me lo pase, limpie, limpie nieve y este ano al menos voy a tener la excusa de no hacerlo por la panza y despues por el recien nacido. A ver si mi hermana se anime a ayudarme otro vez este ano. Ya decidi que voy a echarle mas ganas en las cosas que hago diario. Ya no voy a ver tanta tele y voy a aprovechar mas el tiempo que paso con mi Emilita. A ver si me siento asi en 3 meses cuando mero voy a aliviarme. Ya veremos..como ya escribi. Pues no nos queda de otro mas que echarle ganas. Hasta la proxima. Echale ganas.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

HaPpy b-dAy to Emi J~~~ SaPo veRde a mi neNa

Emili turned 8. She did it. Overall she had a great birthday. We did 2 traditions that we always do (see last years post). We made treat bags for all of the kids in her class and I stopped in on my lunch hour to hand deliver a surprise and the treats. The traditional birthday song "Las Mananitas was also sung early around 6 am... We went out to eat.... Auntie spoiled her...She opened all of her cards and presents... smeared cake... laughed a lot. She had a wonderful day. A special thanks to everyone who took the time to make her day special.

I had some flashbacks of my pregnancy with Emili as well on her birthday. It was the hardest day of my life, but will always be remembered as one of the greatest. What a wonderful gift birthdays are for mothers.... they are a constant reminder of our struggles and our greatest achievement of all. So to all the mothers out there...KUDOS.. !!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

AnoThEr yeAr~~

Well, the corn is high and it is time to get back to the grind. Emili started her first day of second grade on Tues. I guess when you are little you don't mind the corn getting high. In fact this little guy is loving it. Check out the corn cob in his mouth. Yesterday we went to Beaver Dam, WI to visit some of my old friends. My friend Lisa has been my friend for about 12 years now and we still find time between our schedules to see each other. Here is her little guy Marcos. What a cutie...

I am getting bigger and it is getting harder to get around. This is not the most flattering picture, but it is the only one I liked of me in my pj's. Tonight for example we Emili and Auntie and I decided to go shopping at the mall... all that walking around isn't really that fun anymore. Then we went to Wal-Mart to pick up some odds and ends. Auntie and Emili went off on their own way (with my purse and my cell and the cart).. So there the hunt began trying to find them. They were trying to find me and I them.... we finally found each other after about an hour at the service desk. I was standing in line ready to page them...

One of the things purchased was a hot pink guitar that Emili HAD to have for her 8th birthday which is on Friday, but Auntie always gives in before. Auntie wanted to have her picture taken "rockin' out". Here she is just having fun.

Here is a picture of Emili and Marcos, my friend Lisa's other little guy. They were having fun playing yesterday. Emili is adjusting well to second grade. She really likes her teacher and was excited. It is always hard for her to adjust the first week. By Friday night, she was exhausted when I got home from work and laid down at 5pm and didn't wake up until 7pm. She needed a power nap. Tomorrow starts another busy week!!! Hasta la proxima semana! Till next week !!!