Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Today was a very busy day, lots of running around. I was very busy all day. We got up in a hurry and off it was for Emili to catch the bus at Quad. Work was busy and I got out a little early to attend parent/ teacher conferences. Emili's first grade teacher was awaiting us and we talked about how Emili is doing in school. The report was a good one! Emili doing great at first grade and ready to have 2 days off. She is off from school this Thursday and Friday.
After conferences it was off to buy a costume for Emili. Tomorrow is her school dance and Emili has to go in costume. It is going to be a Halloween dance for the parents and children from 6-8pm. My baby is very excited to be going to her first school dance. Emili is all about dancing. She has been to many parties with me and knows how to move it!!! Her Dad plays in a band, so from little on we attended dances. In summer we went to a 15th Birthday party for one of my friends daughter's and Emili danced so much that she couldn't walk to the car! This year Emili will be breaking it down in her new witch costume! More to come about the dance tomorrow!
Hoy era un dia muy ocupado, corriendo pa' riba y pa'bajo. Estuve bien ocupadismia todo el dia. Nos levantamos de prisa y Emili cogio la wa wa en Quad. El trabajo estaba pesado y sali temprano para asisitir a conferencias con su maestra. La maestra de Emili nos estaba esperando y hablamos sobre como le esta iyendo en la escuela. El reporte salio super bien! Emili esta superando y lista para tener dos dias de descanso de clases. No tiene clases el jueves ni el viernes.
Despues de la conferencia fuimos a comprar un disfraz para Emili. Manana es un baile en su escuela para los padres y los ninos desde las 6-8. Mi bebita esta super emocianda a ir a su primer baile de su nueva escuela. Emili si sabe bailar muy bien. Ha ido a muchas fiestas conmigo y sabe "mover el bote" ...jejejej. Su papa toca con un grupo, entonces desde chiquita ha asistido a los bailes. En el verano fuimos a una quinceanera y bailo tanto que ni siquiera podia caminar al carro despues que termino el baile. Va a estar "moviendo su botecito" manana disfrazada de bruja. Manana les contare mas sobre el baile!