Monday, September 3, 2007

mOnDaY, MoNdAy...moNdAy

Busy Monday and I didn't even work. Went shopping to get things to make for dinner for my friends and Emili played outside in the am with Hope for a little while. I called my friends to see what time they were coming over and Veronica let me know that they couldn't come up today. It is getting really hard to see my friends from Milwaukee with our busy lives. I love them dearly, but we are all so busy now. I got done shopping and came home and started cooking. Hope came over and played with Emili. Laundry and picking up and then I talked with my friend Mauricio online for a little while.

I was on my way over to my moms house to type up the Goodman Chronicles, when my friend Jaime called me to let me know that he was in Lomira and stopping over for my famous Enchiladas. My mom did manage to snap a pic of Emili and Hope though.

So as soon as we got to my mom's, we turned around and came back home, to find them (Jaime and his son Jaime) sitting outside my house. Then it was time to catch up. For anyone that doesn't know my friend Jaime, back in the day we used to work together. I think I was 14 when I first met him. I remember it well, I worked a Mayville Family Restaurant, and I couldn't get in because the doors were locked. Then I remember Jaime opening the doors for me and mumbling something to me in Spanish. Thanks to him and all the non-English speaking kitchen staff, I am bilingual today. The margaritas were flowing...good times... The last time a saw Jaime's son he was 12 and a really cute chubby little boy. Now he is 20 and has grown into a handsome young man.
It was really nice to see old friends. Jaime's son Jaime.

After they left I went back to my moms to finish typing the "GOODMAN CHRONICLES" and then back home to clean up dinner and blog of course.. Tomorrow is the 1st day of 1st grade for Emili... stayed tuned for 1st day of school action.