Saturday, September 29, 2007

mOrE sLeEp oVeR, cAmPfiRE, rOaStiNg mELLoWs, tOE sOcKS

Emili, Sophie and Lexie
Emili roasting
Hope roasting an apple
Sophie with a Mellow..............

We had a fun day today. It was nice. Emili's friends Hope and Sophie slept over last night for a sleep over. They were ready to go early am and were joined by their friend Lexie as well. She came over early and it was a fun play day. Big breakfast and then it was play and play some more until heading to Loose Ends Yarn Shop. We stopped at my mom's shop to visit and off we went to Beaver Dam to McDonald's and WalMart.

I called my friend Lisa when I got to Beaver Dam, since it has been a while since I have seen her. We met Lisa at the Dollar Tree, there we purchased toe socks for all the girls. We discovered that they couldn't play at McDonalds in the play land without socks we decided to jazz it up a little bit and all of the girls got to pick out a pair of toe socks, so they could wear them with their sandals. Off to McDonald's for 2 hours of playing and then off to WalMart and I let all the girls pick out a little something. They each picked out a cute piece of jewelry.

After WalMart we decided to stop in by Emili's Grandparents. Grandpa got a fire started and they all had fun playing in their big back yard. Grandpa is the "master roaster", so he was roasting marsh mellows and hot dogs. The girls had a good time. My mom made a comment to me stating "you go get the girls, your the mom" and I said "Ya, but your the grandma" Then my mom said "I like being the grandma, you don't have to do anything"....One of Emili's friends then said "ya, that is cuz YOU ARE OLD"........... HAHAHAHAH. Here are some pictures of the girls having fun. After the grandparents, it was over to each of the girls houses to ask permission if each one could stay over again. Then it was time for a shower and bed time for everyone. It is now 945pm and only one of them is almost out....gonna be a fun night yet.