Thursday, September 6, 2007

tWo pigGieS & cRaZy HUGE uNdErWeAr

Ya I am feeling rather silly tonight. We (Megan and I) are at home having great discussions with Emili from about the past. The two little pigs were getting on my nerves, so I decided to blog. Crazy chicas!

Emili wanted to hear stories about Auntie and Mama about growing up and Auntie had a memorable story. Since the Lomira pool was the hang out spot this summer for Auntie and Emili. Auntie had to share the pool story. Auntie told Emili about the time that she arrived at the famous Mayville Pool with all of her friends. And that is when tradegy flopped onto the sand.... Auntie went to extend her towel out so she could lay down and a GINORMOUS pair of Grandma's unmentionables flew onto the sand in front of all her friends. Auntie quickly scooped up the enormous underwear and shoved it in her bag. It was a mortifying experience for any ten year old (according to Megan). In this household we have an abundant supply of dryer sheets thanks to Aunties static cling tradegy. Auntie commonly refers to Mama's underwear as parachutes!!! So enough for the stories tonight.
Today was a fun day. Mama and Emili woke up to Emili's dad this morning who dropped in, late last night (early am) because he was close to the area and missed her. Emili was so happy 2 c her daddy. I couldn't help but to overlook the fact of how much Emili and her dad look alike!!! I took Emili to school and Daddy hung around our house and recuped from last night. Then, on my break, I came home and we went to Emili's school in Theresa. I wanted to let them know that Emili's Daddy was going to pick her up from school, instead of her usual bus routine.
When we got there, Emili was walking out of the office. She was outside playing at recess and got a bloody nose and was sent to the office, until the bleeding stopped. Emili's father and I had a great conversation with her first grade teacher and Daddy got a tour of the school. We even got to go out to recess with her for a little while. Then I went back to work and Daddy dropped me off, since we didn't have a lot of time left. When I got done with work, I found Megan and Miguel outside of Quad waiting for me... Where was Emili... playing with her friends. Daddy went back to Milwaukee since Emili was off playing and then she came home and the craziness started...speaking of craziness... Megan and Emili are in her bed comparing who has a bigger mustache! Crazy Piggies.... and GINORMOUS UNDERWEAR!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH