Tuesday, September 11, 2007

sLaCkInG BiG tiMe

Well, what can i say... i love 2 procrastinate. I am just one of those kinds of people. I always put things off to the last minute. Not a whole lot new. I was very busy yesterday and didn't have a lot of time to write. Emili went off to school in the am and Auntie and Scott left the house in the am for their vacation in Door County. Emili was picked up by Grandma at school yesterday and then over to Grandma's house for more fun! I got there around 7 because I had a class. We came home later after having a nice evening with Grandma. Emili got a new Junie B First Grader book, which Grandma read several chapters from. When we got home I had to read more.

Emili is grounded today due to late night reading I think (partly my fault). Junie B is a really good book, but I think someone needs to start to go to bed earlier. Emili was very cranky when she woke up this morning and didn't want to wear what Mommy had laid out. There was a little talking back on her part and some flying clothes across the room. That earned a NO TV and an 8 o'clock bedtime 4 tonight. I guess the 8 o'clock bedtime is a good thing because Emili has to get up very early 2morrow for her Birthday song.

For those of you that are not familiar with this song, please see the links below. Every year on Emili's birthday around 5 am when the sun comes up, I sing her something called "las mananitas". This is a traditional Mexican Birthday song that literally means "The Mornings". She absolutely loves when I sing this to her at 5 in the am, if u can believe that. I always play the kids version of the song from a famous Mexican clown named Cepillin. Check out the words and the video. My baby is turning 7 tomorrow!